External Examiner for Thesis Trial at STAI BATURAJA - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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External Examiner for Thesis Trial at STAI BATURAJA

External Examiner for Thesis Trial at STAI BATURAJA

December 9, 2023 | Other Activities

As an implementation of the MoU between BPS OKU Regency and STAI Baturaja, apart from statistics corner activities, other activities in increasing literacy, especially in statistics for academics, the Head of BPS OKU Regency, Mr. Mukti Riadi is trusted as an external examiner at the thesis trial, which is one of the requirements in Graduation of students who have entered their final semester to later receive a degree according to the chosen study program.

Another form of collaboration is the Young Functional Statistician (Pj. Nerwilis Section) Mitra Larasaty Adami who is a special lecturer in introductory statistics courses with a teaching schedule every Saturday.

It is hoped that with this collaboration the understanding and use of statistical data will increase.

Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Ogan Komering UluJl. Dr. Moh. Hatta No. 987A Kel. Kemala Raja Kec. Baturaja Timur Kab. Ogan Komering UluTelp (0735) 320259

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