National Labor Force Survey Officer Training February be 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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National Labor Force Survey Officer Training February be 2024

National Labor Force Survey Officer Training February be 2024

January 24, 2024 | BPS Activities

Wednesday (24/1/2024), OKU Regency BPS held February 2024 National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) training at the Bukit Indah Lestari Hotel, Baturaja which was officially opened by the Head of OKU Regency BPS, Mukti Riadi, S.ST., M. Si. SAKERNAS training lasts for 3 days with a combination of hybrid methods, namely 2 days of online training and 1 day of offline training. Training starts from January 22 to January 23 online, then continues January 24 offline.

The Sakernas training was attended by 10 participants, namely 7 PPLs who are BPS partners and 3 PMLs who are organic BPS OKU Regency, where 2 PMLs also serve as Regional Instructors (Inda). On this occasion, the Head of BPS OKU Regency also conveyed several messages that Mitra Sakernas as the best partner of BPS OKU was expected to be able to adapt to various changes at BPS. Apart from that, field officers will not only carry out probing but will go further than that, namely mining where officers must be able to explore respondents' answers in the field. Finally, the Head of BPS OKU Regency also advised that officers are BPS spokespersons in the field, therefore officers must coordinate with village/sub-district/RT/RW officials and maintain ethics and courtesy in gathering information.

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