Major Industry Survey Briefing and Medium 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

Untuk mendapatkan data BPS silahkan datang ke Pelayanan Statistik Terpadu BPS Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu, Jalan Dr. Moh. Hatta No 987A Depan Gedung Kesenian Lantai 1 Setiap hari kerja mulai pukul 08.00 - 15.30.

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Major Industry Survey Briefing and Medium 2024

Major Industry Survey Briefing and Medium 2024

February 1, 2024 | BPS Activities

Thursday (01/02/2024), BPS OKU Regency was represented by members of the PEK (mining, energy and construction statistics) team, namely sister Purnama Diah, S.Sos, taking part in the Large Industrial Survey Briefing and In 2024, online (zoom meeting). This briefing aims to ensure that every person in charge/staff involved in this survey gets the same perception and technical understanding regarding the implementation of Monthly IBS data collection.

This Monthly Large and Medium Industry Survey is one of the activities routinely at the Directorate of Industrial Statistics (DSI) which is subject to Automatic Adjustment FY 2024. So for continuity of data collection activities via Computer Assisted Web Interviewing (CAWI) at IBS Monthly, which was tested in 2023, DSI will continue this activity in 2024. As a form of mitigating the risk of CAWI data collection, data collection will be carried out using E-DOPU (Email Drop Off Pick Up) which has been running for a long time.

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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Ogan Komering UluJl. Dr. Moh. Hatta No. 987A Kel. Kemala Raja Kec. Baturaja Timur Kab. Ogan Komering UluTelp (0735) 320259

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