Introduction to the Role of BPS for PKL Students in the BPS environment of Oku Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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Introduction to the Role of BPS for PKL Students in the BPS environment of Oku Regency

Introduction to the Role of BPS for PKL Students in the BPS environment of Oku Regency

March 20, 2024 | Other Activities

Wednesday (20/03/2024) BPS Oku Regency introduced BPS to female PKL students in the BPS OKU Regency environment. This activity was attended by PKL students from SMK Negeri 01 OKU, SMK Yadika Baturaja, and SMK Negeri 01 Lubai Ulu.

Oku Regency BPS, represented by Dina Yunita Sari S.Tr.stat, conveyed the aim of this activity in an effort to introduce the role and function of BPS in producing and providing quality data to support advanced Indonesia. Data will play an important role in helping governments to create a basis for sustainable development planning. Apart from the government, data can also be used for private sector development planning purposes.

It is hoped that with this activity the PKL students can increase their insight and knowledge regarding the role of BPS in producing quality data and the process of its statistical activities
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