Social Service, Sharing takjil and Iftar with BPS OKU Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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Social Service, Sharing takjil and Iftar with BPS OKU Regency

Social Service, Sharing takjil and Iftar with BPS OKU Regency

March 25, 2024 | Other Activities

Hello #DataFriends..
In the holy month of Ramadhan 1445 Hijriah, BPS OKU Regency held several activities including fasting together, sharing takjil, and social service. This activity will be held on Monday 25 March 2024.


The activity began with the distribution of basic necessities to residents around the Oku Regency BPS area, in this case led directly by the head of Oku Oku Regency BPS Mukti Riadi, S.ST., M.Si, the distribution of basic necessities was carried out using a coupon system so that the distribution could take place in an orderly manner. then continued with distributing takjil in front of the OKU Regency BPS office.


Approaching Maghrib, the activity continued with the main event, namely breaking fast and praying together with the extended family of BPS Oku Regency, attended by DWP BPS Oku Regency, retired BPS Oku Regency, as well as the Leader of the Adzikro Modern Islamic Boarding School, DR. KH Agus Mutamsir, MA, as speaker and prayer leader.


The aim of this activity is to increase our devotion to Allah SWT, foster a religious spirit, strengthen ties of friendship and add a social spirit to ourselves, especially in the large family of BPS Oku Regency.

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