Internalization of Moral Values ​​and Sharing Knowledge with KPPN Baturaja - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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Internalization of Moral Values ​​and Sharing Knowledge with KPPN Baturaja

Internalization of Moral Values ​​and Sharing Knowledge with KPPN Baturaja

March 28, 2024 | Other Activities

Hello #DataFriends..
Thursday (28/03/2024) BPS Oku Regency carried out Internalization of Moral Values ​​and Knowledge Sharing. In this activity, BPS OKU Regency invited the Team from KPPN Baturaja as an external resource person, and was attended by all BPS OKU Regency employees in the context of developing an integrity zone towards WBK.
The activity opened with remarks from the head of BPS OKU Regency Mukti Riadi, S.ST., M.Si. He expressed the pride of the OKU Regency BPS in welcoming the Ministry of Finance KPPN team to share their experiences in achieving the WBK title, and transmit good culture to the OKU Regency BPS. The activity continued with the presentation of material presented by Mr. Tri, the representative of KPPN Baturaja, as well as a knowledge sharing and question and answer session regarding the implementation of BerAHLAK and the Integrity Zone towards a corruption-free area.
It is hoped that this activity will provide understanding and increase awareness of all employees regarding the Core Values ​​of having morals and being able to implement the Core Values ​​of having morals and become the basis for strengthening work culture to support the achievement of individual performance and the goals of the OKU Regency BPS Agency.

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