Monitoring and evaluation meeting (Monev) of First Quarter 2024 Achievements of BPS OKU Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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Monitoring and evaluation meeting (Monev) of First Quarter 2024 Achievements of BPS OKU Regency

Monitoring and evaluation meeting (Monev) of First Quarter 2024 Achievements of BPS OKU Regency

April 5, 2024 | Other Activities

Hello #Data Friends
Friday (05/04/2024) OKU Regency BPS held a Monitoring and Evaluation Meeting (Monev) for Quarter I Performance Achievements. The activity was carried out in the Oku Regency BPS meeting hall attended by the head and all Oku Regency BPS employees. Monev is an activity carried out periodically every quarter within 1 year which is intended to find out and monitor the implementation of work programs that are being and have been implemented to serve as material for evaluation and consideration. Apart from discussing performance achievements, obstacles were also discussed, including targets and work plans as a follow-up to performance achievements.

In his opening Deki Zulkarnain, S.ST. as Head of the General Subdivision emphasized several notes related to monitoring and evaluation in the first quarter of 2024 which must be paid attention to and completed, as well as the importance of focus and consistency in activities that are oriented towards predetermined targets. It is hoped that with regular Monitoring and Evaluation of Performance Achievement, the targets that have been set can be achieved optimally.
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