OKU Regency Regional Autonomy Anniversary Celebration Ceremony in 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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OKU Regency Regional Autonomy Anniversary Celebration Ceremony in 2024

OKU Regency Regional Autonomy Anniversary Celebration Ceremony in 2024

April 25, 2024 | Other Activities

Halo #SahabatData

The Head of the OKU Regency BPS attended the 2024 Regional Autonomy Anniversary ceremony, taking place at the OKU Regency Government Ceremony Yard, Thursday (25/04/2024) which was chaired directly by the OKU Regional Secretary Darmawan Irianto.

In his speech, OKU Regional Secretary Darmawan Irianto delivered a message regarding regional autonomy towards a Green Indonesia
The implementation of the Regional Autonomy System has been running for approximately a quarter of a century, but there are still many aspects of the Regional Autonomy system government that need to be improved.

We will soon carry out an open local democratic process in the regions in 2024 in terms of electing regional leaders
We need to increase community and political participation in development and public services for the welfare of the community and encourage programs and development as well as central government policies with modernization of electronic systems.

"I always monitor regional economic developments and inflation in every region throughout Indonesia. We need to encourage the implementation of the Green Economy in order to advance regional and national development," he said.

Then the event continued by watching the drumband performance performed by school children at SDN.11, OKU Regency.
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