KPRI "Multipurpose" Cooperative RAT BPS South Sumatra Province Fiscal Year 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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KPRI "Multipurpose" Cooperative RAT BPS South Sumatra Province Fiscal Year 2023

KPRI "Multipurpose" Cooperative RAT BPS South Sumatra Province Fiscal Year 2023

April 26, 2024 | Other Activities

Halo #SahabatData

Friday (26/04/2024) BPS South Sumatra Province held the Annual Member Meeting of the KPRI "Multipurpose" Cooperative for the 2023 financial year. A cooperative is a legal entity based on the principle of kinship whose members consist of individuals or legal entities with the aim of improving the welfare of its members. Generally, cooperatives are controlled jointly by all their members, where each member has equal voting rights in every decision taken by the cooperative. The distribution of cooperative profits is usually called residual business results or SHU which is usually calculated based on shares.

The meeting was officially opened at 14:00 with instructions from the Head of BPS South Sumatra Province, Mr. Moh Wahyu Yulianto as the cooperative protector. Then the series of events continued with the election of the session leader which was carried out by consensus, as well as the reading of the rules and regulations by the meeting leader. Apart from that, the meeting was also interspersed with the distribution of various door prizes for cooperative members. The event continued with presentation of material and discussion with the theme: Sharia cooperatives. by the Head of BPS OKU Regency, Mr. Mukti Riadi as a resource person.

At the Annual Member Meeting of the South Sumatra Province BPS Cooperative, the "Serba Guna" Cooperative plans to transition savings and loan cooperatives from conventional to sharia cooperatives. The series of events ended with a poll to elect the cooperative to become a sharia cooperative by all members of the South Sumatra BPS cooperative and closed with prayer.

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