Routine Call Monday Morning BPS OKU Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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Routine Call Monday Morning BPS OKU Regency

Routine Call Monday Morning BPS OKU Regency

May 6, 2024 | Other Activities

Monday (06/04/2024) OKU Regency BPS held a routine roll call Monday morning, attended by all OKU Regency BPS employees. Morning Call is a means for leaders or superiors to provide guidance, direction and carry out supervision. In the morning roll call a lot of information can also be conveyed regarding the implementation of programs and activities. Through the morning assembly, the leaders or supervisors will convey various important information related to the implementation of programs and activities at the OKU Regency Central Statistics Agency.

Morning assembly is also the right vehicle for leaders to support subordinates or staff within their scope to maintain work enthusiasm, loyalty, integrity, productivity, work morale and other things needed by work organizations that enable the implementation of the duties and functions of each employee as a supporting component. in various work organization programs and activities so that they can run smoothly in accordance with common expectations.
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