VREST UMK Officer Training 2024 OKU Regency BPS - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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VREST UMK Officer Training 2024 OKU Regency BPS

VREST UMK Officer Training 2024 OKU Regency BPS

May 6, 2024 | BPS Activities

Halo #SahabatData, 

Monday (6/5/2024) training for the 2024 UMK Food and Beverage Providing Business Survey (VREST) ​​officers was carried out in combination, namely 1 (one) day of online learning and 1 (one) day of offline learning. Offline training will be held in Palembang on Wednesday (8/5/2024). The training participants came from BPS Ogan Komering Ulu Regency as many as 2 (two) people, of which 1 (one) field enumerator (PCL) and 1 (one) field supervisor (PML).

The UMK Food and Beverage Providing Business Survey (VREST) ​​aims to obtain information on food and beverage supply business data regarding business characteristics (business profile, capacity, number of working days, number of customers), worker characteristics and business financial reports (number of workers, worker status, income and expenses business and asset/capital value).

Implementation of VREST UMK will start from May to July 2024 with a sample of 5 (five) micro and small scale businesses and industries for the Ogan Komering Ulu Regency area.


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