UPB and UTL Agricultural Economic Survey Training 2024 BPS OKU Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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UPB and UTL Agricultural Economic Survey Training 2024 BPS OKU Regency

UPB and UTL Agricultural Economic Survey Training 2024 BPS OKU Regency

June 1, 2024 | BPS Activities

Hello #DataFriends,

OKU Regency Central Statistics Agency (BPS) Participated in training for UPB-UTL Agricultural Economic Census (SEP) officers organized by BPS South Sumatra Province. The UPB-UTL SEP training took place from 27 May to 1 June 2024 and was carried out in a hybrid online and offline manner. The offline training was held in the ballroom of the 101 Palembang hotel and was attended by representatives of BPS employees from all districts and cities in South Sumatra.

This UPB-UTL SEP training aims to increase the competency of census officers in collecting agricultural economic data more accurately and efficiently and reduce the risk of problems occurring in the field later. The training participants received material and guidance from national leaders and experienced practitioners in the fields of statistics and agriculture. This UPB-UTL SEP Training Series was officially closed by the Head of South Sumatra BPS, Mr. Moh Wahyu Yulianto, and also marked the start of the Agricultural Economic Census (SEP) in South Sumatra.

By the end of this training, it is hoped that census officers will be able to carry out their duties well, professionally and with integrity, especially in making the Agricultural Economic Census a success in order to produce quality data for building the nation and state.

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