Inda Training Zoom Updating Economic Business/Company Directory - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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Inda Training Zoom Updating Economic Business/Company Directory

Inda Training Zoom Updating Economic Business/Company Directory

June 12, 2024 | Other Activities

Wednesday (12/6/2024), Mrs. Tita Marsita as head of the OKU Regency BPS Sectoral Team took part in the Regional Instructor (Inda) training for Updating Business/Company Directories in 2024. This training was carried out online via Zoom Meeting which was opened directly by the Head BPS South Sumatra Province Mr. M. Wahyu Yulianto.
This event was held for three effective days starting from June 11 to June 13 2024 and attended by participants from BPS Regency/City BPS South Sumatra Province and Regency/City BPS Jambi Province.

In general, the aim of implementing Economic Business/Company Directory Updating is to update business/company data that may not have been updated in the BPS Updating or survey activities, clean the Statistical Business Register (SBR) data from businesses/companies that are inactive and no longer operating, complete the fields variables are still empty, eliminating data duplication.

Based on this objective, the implementation of the Economic Business/Company Directory Updating Activity is expected to improve the quality of Statistical Business Register (SBR) data in providing the latest business/company database for preparing the main framework for economic surveys and business unit statistical data.


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