Hearing for Presentation of Poverty Profile Data OKU Regency in 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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Hearing for Presentation of Poverty Profile Data OKU Regency in 2024

Hearing for Presentation of Poverty Profile Data OKU Regency in 2024

July 22, 2024 | Other Activities

Hello #DataFriends...

Monday (22/7), taking place in the OKU Regional Secretary's room, the Head of the OKU Regency BPS presented the results of the release of the 2024 OKU Regency Poverty Profile. This meeting was attended by Assistant III, representatives of the Health Service, Social Service, Communication and Information Service, and Bappelitbangda OKU. The Head of BPS OKU District conveyed the percentage of the district's poor population. OKU in 2024 is 10.68%, down 0.78% from the previous year. This decrease in the percentage of poor people is in line with the decline in the number of poor people to 41.54 thousand people, from the previous 44.10 thousand people. The Poverty Line (GK), which is the basis for determining poor and non-poor groups, has also increased by around 2.8% to IDR 563,523 in 2024.

Apart from that, a good trend is also shown from the Poverty Depth and Severity Index (P1 and P2) which also fell from the previous year, their values ​​respectively becoming 1.00 and 0.13 in 2024.

The Head of BPS OKU Regency also said that the government's target of reducing extreme poverty to below 1 percent by 2024 had been achieved for the Regency. OKU. It is recorded that in 2024, the percentage of extreme poverty will be 0.51%. However, the Head of BPS Kab. OKU revealed that even though poverty has decreased, there is still a lot of work to do to eradicate poverty. Residents whose current expenditure is slightly above the poverty line are very vulnerable to falling if affected by certain conditions. Therefore, various policies need to be taken not only to pay attention to those who are below the poverty line, but also to groups vulnerable to poverty.

Furthermore, Assistant III also responded that all relevant agencies should immediately follow up on these results, by formulating strategies and policies for poverty alleviation in the future.

Results of the release of district poverty figures. OKU can be downloaded at the link:

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