Podcast with OKUSATU "OKU Economy Grows Above 5 Percent, Fourth Highest in South Sumatra" - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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Podcast with OKUSATU "OKU Economy Grows Above 5 Percent, Fourth Highest in South Sumatra"

Podcast with OKUSATU "OKU Economy Grows Above 5 Percent, Fourth Highest in South Sumatra"

July 24, 2024 | Other Activities

Hello #DataFriends...

Thursday (18/07/2024), Head of BPS OKU Regency, Mukti Riadi, S.ST, M.Si. conducting a Podcast with the OKU SATU news portal. Podcast with OKU SATU is an interactive dialogue that discusses the achievements of macroeconomic indicators and their relationship to economic, social and political issues in Ogan Komering Ulu Regency.

Apart from that, BPS OKU Regency as a provider of basic statistical data, always adheres to the principles of independence and professionalism in preparing macro indicators in accordance with data collection rules and standards, as well as applicable statistical laws.

The video podcast link can be accessed on YT okusatu or at the link below:

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