STAI Baturaja Statistics Agent Passes National Phase II Datacamp Statistics 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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STAI Baturaja Statistics Agent Passes National Phase II Datacamp Statistics 2024

STAI Baturaja Statistics Agent Passes National Phase II Datacamp Statistics 2024

August 4, 2024 | Other Activities

Hello #DataFriends...

There is good news from the STAI Baturaja Statistics Corner. Last July, the Central Statistics Agency of the Republic of Indonesia held Statistics Data Camp Phase I which was attended by 112 participants from various universities throughout Indonesia. In stage I, all participants learn about preparing infographics. Then, all participants were asked to create their best infographic work from which 30 participants would be selected to advance to Phase II coaching.

Competing with various well-known universities in Indonesia apparently did not dampen the enthusiasm of the STAI Baturaja Statistical Agent to show their best work. The infographic with the theme "Gender Inequality" compiled by Zalfa Rihadatul Aisy succeeded in becoming one of the 30 best participants in the 2024 Statistics Data Camp activity which was attended by 112 participants from Statistics Agents throughout Indonesia. Zalfa Rihadatul from the STAI Baturaja Statistics Corner has the right to continue to Phase II coaching.

Congratulations @zalfaaisy_. We wish you success and ease and smoothness in Phase II Development.

Please support and pray for the STAI Baturaja Campus Statistics Agent.

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