The February 2023 Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) for Sumatera Selatan Province was 4.53 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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The February 2023 Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) for Sumatera Selatan Province was 4.53 percent

Release Date : May 29, 2023
File Size : 3.88 MB


  • The total workforce in Sumatera Selatan Province in February 2023 was 4.49 million people, up 89.0 thousand people compared to February 2022. In line with the increase in the number of labor force, the Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK) also experienced an increase of 0.40 percentage points.

  • The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) for February 2023 was 4.53 percent, down 0.21 percentage point compared to February 2022.

  • The population working in Sumatera Selatan Province in February 2023 was 4.29 million people, an increase of 93.9 thousand people compared to February 2022. In terms of the structure of employment, the largest percentage increase was the Accommodation and Food and Beverage Sector (1.57 percent point ). While the sector that experienced the biggest decline was the Wholesale and Retail Trade Sector (1.65 percentage point).

  • As many as 2.72 million people (63.39 percent) work in informal activities, down 1.39 percentage points compared to February 2022.
  • The percentage of underemployed workers decreased by 1.52 percentage points, while the percentage of part-time workers increased by 2.62 percentage points compared to February 2022.

  • There are 46.2 thousand people (0.72 percent of the working age population) affected by Covid-19. Consisting of the unemployed due to Covid-19 (1.7 thousand people), Non-Work Force (BAK) due to Covid-19 (5.8 thousand people), and working residents who have experienced reduced working hours due to Covid-19 (38.7 thousand person).
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