Sumatera Selatan's Economy Quarter II-2023 Grows 4.57 Percent (q-to-q) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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Sumatera Selatan's Economy Quarter II-2023 Grows 4.57 Percent (q-to-q)

Release Date : August 22, 2023
File Size : 2 MB


  • The economy of Sumatera Selatan Province based on the size of the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) at current prices in the second quarter of 2023 reached IDR 158.88 trillion and at constant 2010 basic prices it reached IDR 90.59 trillion.
  • The economy of Sumatera Selatan Province in the second quarter of 2023 compared to the previous quarter grew by 4.57 percent (q-to-q). From the production side, the Government Administration, Defense and Compulsory Social Security Business Field experienced the highest growth of 25.86 percent. Meanwhile, from the expenditure side, the Government Consumption Expenditure Component (PK-P) experienced the highest growth of 40.38 percent.
  • The economy of Sumatera Selatan Province in the second quarter of 2023 experienced growth of 5.24 (y-on-y). From the production side, the Business Field for the Provision of Cars and Food and Drink experienced the highest growth of 12.91 percent. From the expenditure side, the highest growth occurred in the LNPRT consumption expenditure component (PK-LNPRT), which was 9.48 percent.
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