Internalilzation of Desa Cantik by BPS South Sumatera Provinceee - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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Internalilzation of Desa Cantik by BPS South Sumatera Provinceee

Internalilzation of Desa Cantik by BPS South Sumatera Provinceee

January 23, 2024 | BPS Activities

Tuesday (23/01/2024) , the Head of BPS OKU Regency and the Desa CantikTeam took part in the internalization of which was held by BPS South Sumatra Province online via Zoom Meeting. The material discussed during the internalization was an evaluation of the implementation of Desa Cantik in 2023 and the implementation plan for Desa Cantik in 2024, an explanation regarding the Bumi Sriwijaya Village website, as well as sharing knowledge of the achievements of Desa Cantik BPS, Musi Banyuasin Regency. With this internalization, it is hoped that the OKU Regency Beautiful Village team can carry out the 2024 Beautiful Village

program more maturely.

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