Internalization of BPS Head Regulation Draft (Perka) Number 1 of 2024 and Number 102 of 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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Internalization of BPS Head Regulation Draft (Perka) Number 1 of 2024 and Number 102 of 2023

Internalization of BPS Head Regulation Draft (Perka) Number 1 of 2024 and Number 102 of 2023

February 6, 2024 | Other Activities

Tuesday (6/2/2024), the Head of BPS Ogan Komering Ulu Regency together with the Head of the General Subdivision, Commitment Making Officer (PPK) and Treasurer took part in the Internalization of BPS Head Regulation Draft (Perka) Number 1 of 2024 and BPS Perka Number 102 of 2023 via zoom meeting (online). Several things that need to be considered based on the direction of the Principal Secretary, namely studying and understanding the duties and authority of the Budget User Authority (KPA) in implementing activities and budgets, implementing activities and budgets in accordance with the applicable legal basis and established policies must have a clear basis for consideration without violate applicable rules.

Resource person Mrs. Nurachma Indrati Sukirno explained the structure of the draft Perka BPS No. 1 of 2024, use of the budget through procurement of goods and services, budget implementation policies, sources of financing other than pure rupiah, budget revisions, backoffice, BPS regulations regarding Statistical Activity Cost Standards.

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