Beautiful Village Development (Statistical Love Village) in Laya Village, West Baturaja District - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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Beautiful Village Development (Statistical Love Village) in Laya Village, West Baturaja District

 Beautiful Village Development (Statistical Love Village) in Laya Village, West Baturaja District

April 24, 2024 | BPS Activities

Hello #Data Friends

Wednesday (24/04/2024) BPS OKU Regency Implemented Beautiful Village Development (Statistical Love Village) in Laya Village, West Baturaja District. The development of the Love Statistics Village (Desa Cantik) is one of the activities carried out by the Central Statistics Agency to increase statistical literacy at the village level. The activity opened with remarks from the Head of BPS OKU Regency, Mr. Mukti Riadi, S.ST. In his speech, Belia conveyed the importance of support and cooperation from the leadership and related apparatus in making the Beautiful Village Program a success. The role of Cantik Village is very large in increasing statistical literacy and can also speed up the collection and search for data that is useful for regional development. A similar statement was also conveyed by the Head of Laya Village, Erlan Nofren, in his delivery, Belia expressed his appreciation and support for the Beautiful Village Development activities carried out by the OKU Regency BPS and hoped that this activity could be carried out consistently and continuously.

Through this activity, it is hoped that villages will be able to understand, build and manage their statistics independently as a basis for policy making at the smallest government level.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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