Beautiful Village Development for the Karang Dapo Statistics Love Village Apparatus - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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Beautiful Village Development for the Karang Dapo Statistics Love Village Apparatus

Beautiful Village Development for the Karang Dapo Statistics Love Village Apparatus

June 11, 2024 | Other Activities

Hello #datafriends!

Tuesday (11/06/2024) BPS OKU Regency Carried out Guidance related to the Beautiful Village Program in Karang Dapo Village, Peninjauan District, OKU Regency. Representatives from BPS OKU Regency are Tita Marsita, S.Si, M. Alfaris K, S.Tr.Stat, Sylvia Yemima Sinaga, A.Md., Agung Prianata, and Alif Andika Putra, S.Tr.Stat.

Beautiful Village Development is a program to increase the competency of village officials in managing and utilizing data, so that village development planning is more targeted. The Beautiful Village Program is in line with Satu Data Indonesia's intention, namely to realize the link between planning, implementation, evaluation and control of development. With the Beautiful Village program in the future, community-based village information systems can be optimized.

Let's build changes for BPS OKU Regency better and better together.

#data makes the nation smarter
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