Cross-Sectoral Collaboration in Preparation for the 2024 Child Friendly District Assessment (KLA). - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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Cross-Sectoral Collaboration in Preparation for the 2024 Child Friendly District Assessment (KLA).

Cross-Sectoral Collaboration in Preparation for the 2024 Child Friendly District Assessment (KLA).

April 24, 2024 | Other Activities

Hello #Data Friends

Tuesday (24/04), OKU Regency BPS also sent representatives to Cross-Sectoral Cooperation activities in preparation for the 2024 Child Friendly District Assessment (KLA).

The activity was carried out by the Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service (PPPA) with the aim of introducing an entry application for collecting data that will be used in assessing Child Friendly Cities/Districts. This application itself is one of the innovations carried out by the PPPA Service so that data collection can be carried out more quickly, effectively and efficiently. The development of this application was carried out by the PPPA Service in collaboration with Maha Karya Asia University.
Assistant I to the OKU Regional Government who opened this activity appreciated the steps taken by the PPPA Service in resolving the problem of data collection hanging across various agencies, both vertically and regionally. With complete data, it is hoped that it can be used as an evaluation for the Regional Government to be able to spur the development of a child-friendly city in OKU Regency through various policies, so that ultimately it can achieve the goal of becoming a district with a high Child-Friendly City score in Indonesia.
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