FGD for Sectoral Statistics Development in 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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FGD for Sectoral Statistics Development in 2024

FGD for Sectoral Statistics Development in 2024

May 14, 2024 | BPS Activities

Halo #SahabatData

Tuesday (14/05/2024), BPS OKU Regency held a Focus Group Discussion in the context of Development of Sectoral Statistics for Ogan Komering Ulu Regency in 2024 which was attended by the OKU Regional Secretary and the Head of the relevant OPD.

This FGD activity was opened directly by the OKU Regional Secretary. He conveyed how important data is in government, starting from planning, policy making to evaluation of programs implemented by the government. He also emphasized the principle of "Garbage in, Garbage Out" that inaccurate data will produce policies that are not on target and in the end will only become useless residue. Therefore, OPD in the process of collecting sectoral statistical data must follow the principles of the 4 Principles of One Indonesian Data in order to produce accurate and accountable data so as to produce policies that are right on target and effective.

The core activities are discussions regarding Statistical Metadata, how to obtain Statistical Recommendations from BPS, Evaluation of the Implementation of Sectoral Statistics, and how to carry out Sectoral Statistics Activities in accordance with the regulations and rules that apply nationally and internationally. All participants listened carefully and actively provided responses during the discussion process.

Lastly, the agenda for this meeting was also utilized by the OPDs that were the targets for the EPSS assessment in 2024, namely the Health Service and the OKU Regency Dukcapil Service to be able to socialize the products of statistical activities that had been carried out in 2023 previously.


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