2024 OKU Regency PODES Data Collection Evaluation Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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2024 OKU Regency PODES Data Collection Evaluation Meeting

2024 OKU Regency PODES Data Collection Evaluation Meeting

May 16, 2024 | BPS Activities

Thursday (16/05/24), OKU Regency BPS held an Evaluation Meeting for Village Potential Data Collection (PODES) for 2024. The Evaluation Meeting was opened directly by the head of OKU Regency BPS, Mukti Riadi, S.ST, M.Si. who expressed his appreciation to all officers for the field data collection progress that had been achieved and he also said that PODES data collection work must be able to answer the goal of producing data that can be used for evaluation and development plans for better progress in Indonesia. Thus, the tasks that have been completed in the field are not enough. An evaluation must be carried out, and it needs to be emphasized here, evaluation does not mean just looking for mistakes. The evaluation is aimed at seeing the completeness and consistency of the data collection entries.

From the results of the monitoring and evaluation activities carried out, it is hoped that it can ensure and maintain the quality, suitability and consistency of the PODES data that has been collected by each field officer through inspections carried out by the supervisor (PML) of each PODES data collection area.

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