Mining and Energy Company Annual Survey Officer Briefing in 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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Mining and Energy Company Annual Survey Officer Briefing in 2024

Mining and Energy Company Annual Survey Officer Briefing in 2024

June 25, 2024 | BPS Activities

Hello #datafriends!

Tuesday (25/06/2024) BPS OKU Regency was represented by members of the PEK team (mining, energy and construction statistics), namely sister Purnama Diah, S.Sos. Participated in the Briefing of Data Collection Officers for the 2024 Annual Survey of Mining and Energy Companies which was conducted online via Zoom Meeting .

Mining and Energy Surveys include captive power surveys, legal entity excavation surveys, URT excavation surveys, Excavation Village Updates and clean water surveys.
The aim of holding officer briefings is to equalize perceptions regarding the concept of definition and procedures for filling out documents, so that quality data can be realized.

It is hoped that by conducting this annual survey officer briefing, field officers can carry out field data collection more precisely to produce up-to-date and high-quality data.

#data makes the nation smarter
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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