Annual Micro and Small Industry Survey Briefing 2024 (VIMK24). - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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Annual Micro and Small Industry Survey Briefing 2024 (VIMK24).

Annual Micro and Small Industry Survey Briefing 2024 (VIMK24).

July 2, 2024 | BPS Activities

Hello #datafriends!

Tuesday (02/07/2024) OKU Regency BPS held the 2024 Annual Micro and Small Industry Survey Officer Briefing (VIMK24) which took place in the OKU Regency BPS meeting hall.
The VIMK24 Officer Briefing was opened by the head of the OKU Regency BPS, Mukti Riadi, S.ST, M.Si. and attended by 24 PCL officers and 8 PML officers.

In general, the Annual Micro and Small Industry Survey 2024 (VIMK24) aims to determine the profile of IMK in Indonesia which can be used as material for macro economic development planning. The Annual VIMK24 will collect and present data on detailed and up-to-date micro and small scale business/enterprise activities according to the first 2 digits of the Standard Classification of Indonesian Business Fields (KBLI) at the national and provincial levels.

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