Benchmarking of BPS OI Regency to BPS OKU Regency (sharing strategy for developing Integrity Zone) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Ogan Komering Ulu Regency

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Benchmarking of BPS OI Regency to BPS OKU Regency (sharing strategy for developing Integrity Zone)

Benchmarking of BPS OI Regency to BPS OKU Regency (sharing strategy for developing Integrity Zone)

November 26, 2024 | Other Activities

Hello #SahabatData...

Tuesday (11/26/2024), BPS OKU Regency received a Benchmarking team from BPS Ogan Ilir Regency regarding the process of developing the Integrity Zone towards a Corruption-Free Area (WBK), where BPS OKU Regency is one of the work units selected to enter the WBK follow-up assessment stage by the National Assessment Team for the Integrity Zone towards WBK/WBBM in 2024.

In this activity, a presentation was made regarding the innovation of the Sibuk Kerja and Simpan Duku Archiving System as well as sharing experiences and strategies regarding the development of the Integrity Zone by the Head of ZI BPS OKU Regency, Deki Zulkarnain, S.ST. then continued with a discussion session.

With this activity, it is hoped that it can increase insight and cooperation between BPS Regency/City, especially within the scope of BPS South Sumatra Province so that it can become a WBK/WBBM work unit.

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